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Visions and Values

Our Values:

Be Kind, Work Hard, Be Brave

“Listen more to your dreams and less to your fears”

At Berry Hill Primary School, our ethos is a simple one:

Be Kind, Work Hard, Be Brave.

We want to help produce outstanding individuals who know the importance of kindness, hard work and being brave and who will leave us with a sense of responsibility to make positive contributions to society.

Kindness can mean different things to different people. The meaning is in how we choose to show it: be it through empathy, acceptance, kind gestures or thoughtfulness. Kindness is the spark which makes the world a better place to be. We want all pupils at BHPS to feel an obligation to put more kindness into their world.   

We strive to foster an ethos of working hard within all of our children. Working hard means to keep going, to put care and effort into that which we do, to care about our achievements and to want more. We want our children to become the best version of themselves that they can be - and to know that reaching goals and achieving dreams only comes with tenacity.

‘Be Brave’. Bravery is having the strength to carry on. It’s having the courage to try even though we might get things wrong but then to keep going. We want our pupils to be brave: to have the strength of character to do what’s right, even if it’s difficult; to know that asking for help is a sign of strength; to be themselves and to have and chase big dreams.

At Berry Hill Primary School, we value our 3 core values of kindness, hard-work and bravery. We highlight and reward whenever we find these qualities. Where we find these qualities missing, we teach, we model, we learn and we grow.

Our Vision:

  • Provide the highest possible standard of education so that every child leaves Berry Hill having realised their full potential and is equipped for the next stage of learning.
  • Offer a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum that develops children with the necessary conceptual and procedural knowledge to succeed in life.
  • Create a safe environment, which promotes learning and curiosity, where children and staff are aspirational and feel confident to ‘have a go’ to develop themselves.
  • Inspire children through a ‘see it to be it’ approach to know that people just like them can be anything.
  • Encourage every child to become socially mature, demonstrating essential life skills such as: high levels of emotional intelligence including resilience, empathy, understanding, tolerance and respect so that they engage positively with the rich and diverse tapestry of modern British society.

These aspects are underpinned by Berry Hill's DREAM Curriculum drivers: